
In this blog I will be reviewing ebooks I have read. I use an amazon Kindle, so much of the information will be geared towards Kindle users, but other ereader users should still find the information helpful. Many of the books I will be reviewing are free or low-cost books published by independent authors, my goal is to get the word out about some amazing authors that I think deserve more props, and to let you know which books are not worth the time reading. I am open to suggestions, about information you'd like me to add or new books I should check out and review.
Contact me at CassandrasBeads@Gmail.com

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Golden Acorn by Catherine Cooper

Type: Novel
Genre: YA/Fantasy
Price: Free
Grade: B+

A delightful book that is not just for children.  Jack Brenin thinks he is a normal boy who moves to a small town, but before he is there long strange things start happening. When he meets the odd neighbors next door things only get stranger. He befriends a talking raven, has mythical creatures attack him, and finds that he must  make an extordinary transforation and embark on a journey that he fears he will never complete.

An adorable and exciting adventure with a swarm of endearing characters, this book will be a delight for people of all ages.

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